My wife and I had been looking for - wait for it - 5 years for ways to emigrate out of South Africa with our two kids.

We looked at various countries and literally turned over every rock to find a way to relocate. Eventually, after spending months being shuttled from here to there, and thousands of Rands on useless information we went in desperation to a legal team who specialise in UK Visas. The information they gave us was well worth the £4,000 that we paid them. Within a month we had our UK visas, and we flew out of South Africa 3 months later.

What puzzled us both was why nobody had told us about this visa beforehand. We were told that without access to £200,000.00, a job offer from a UK business, or ancestral claim, we simply could not get into the UK.

Not true.

There IS another way, and we have packaged up this information for people like you who, just like me, don’t have a special skill or a stack of cash lying around.

We’ve teamed up with a group of fellow South Africans and have made it our mission to assist our countrymen who need options. Life is tough enough without people giving you the run around.

Honestly, this information will save you months of time, effort and frustration. Everything that we needed to take to the Home Office is here, in this single download.

If you don’t have to pay £4,000 to a legal team and can complete this process on your own, then why wouldn’t you? We’ve repackaged this information and we’re offering it at £25 so that we can cover the cost of this site and get the word out. #payitforward

Make sure you double check the qualification for this business visa.

Happy travels

- Sarah & Mark